What makes a good leader? Experience? Vision? Knowledge? These traits are all traditionally associated with effective managers. But nowadays, there’s another factor that is slowly gaining reputation in the workplace: Emotional Intelligence.

It’s been a big buzzword recently, but what does it actually mean? And how can we apply it to our organizations? Leadership among peers requires a certain emotional quotient. Being able to discriminate between employee’s feelings and label them appropriately is something that truly separates the mindset of a midlevel manager from that of a CEO.

Time and time again, research has shown that high EQ can work wonders in the workplace in virtually any field. A recent study found that employees who had managers with high EQ were four times less likely to leave their company and that more than 70% of their perception of the company culture resulted from these manager’s emotional intelligence levels.

CEOs and politicians have harnessed EQ to achieve incredible results in their respective careers, and with the help of the infographic below, created by Norwich University’s prestigious Online Master of Science in Leadership program, you can discover the benefits and importance of Emotional Intelligence.

Norwich University’s Online Master of Science in Leadership Program
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