It’s never easy to start at a new company. No matter how great your skill set, how many years you have under your belt, and how easily you make friends, walking into a new job always feels a bit scary and off-putting. As a company, you want your new hires to feel at home as soon as possible, and empowering them to hit the ground running and fit straight into the team is a priority. Here’s a few engaging, creative ways to let them know you’re glad to have them onboard- which will you try first?
Embrace AI
Add a touch of the future to your onboarding videos, training, and tutorials. Or think a little more out-the-box, and get everyone to record a ‘fun fact’ about themselves. No need for them to get camera shy, either! With AI Video makers, all you need to do is pop your ‘script’ into the software, choose your voice and avatar, and you have a great icebreaker ready to use.
This one is especially great in a tech space, where everyone loves their gadgets, but it can be leveraged effectively for any firm, and it will make that critical first day a lot more fun for everyone.
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Add a Personal Touch
After a vigorous round of interviews, and possibly sitting through on-site training, a personal touch can be a great way to help your new employee fit into your corporate culture. It doesn’t take much to create a personalized note of welcome. Don’t make it dry corporate speak, either. Lean into the human side of your office, and make it a creative, fun greeting that helps them feel more at home.
Email is great, but the personal touch is always better! A nice little handwritten note waiting at their new desk shows you value what they’re bringing to the team. Even a welcoming Post-it stuck to their new PC can show that you care about the human touch.
Meet and Greet
Nothing wrong with hosting a little ice-breaker to kick off the teamwork, either. Why not hold a social meeting, especially with key new staff and managers they’ll be reporting to. A quick coffee, a team breakfast, or even a ‘happy hour’ to get to know the new faces not only helps everyone meet up in a more social, less stressed environment, but ensures all your new hires can hit the ground running secure in what they’re doing.
Some companies have taken this to the max, and invented ‘scavenger hunts’ for their new staff members. Obviously, you don’t want their first day at work to be unproductive, but a quick, fun little event that encourages interaction with the team is a great way to help people get over their nerves and fit right in.
Preboarding Gifts
Let your new employee know you value them and their coming contributions to the company with a personalized gift. It’s also a great way to communicate your core values and the spirit of your organization. Pack it up with company swag, office supplies, a snack or two, or even gift certificates to local hot spots. Paired with a branded box, it will help create a warm memory and positive visual reinforcement that you care about their satisfaction and working experience with your company.
This is an especially fantastic icebreaker if you’ve relocated an employee to the area. You can add a guidebook, fun facts about the area, or even get the whole office to chip in with local recommendations about their new geographical location to help them feel at home.
The First Impression
Let’s be honest. Walking into a bunch of stares and an empty desk is incredibly intimidating. Take some of the sting out of the experience- and make them feel at home- by ensuring they can hit the ground running. Some stationery basics and a set-up workstation make a great impression. So does having all your ducks in a row. No one wants to spend their first morning on the job waiting for IT to eventually roll in and set up their email and credentials.
Finding their station set up with everything they need, from server access to business cards, will help your new employee get to grips with their first day on the job hassle free, and create a first impression that will linger throughout their time with you. This is also a great way to tackle a whole-office move, too!
Onboarding as a new staff member is always a little intimidating, but just a little forethought from the company can turn that scary first day into an experience that will make them remember you forever.
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