A wave of resignations has left employers floundering. With 4 million Americans quitting their jobs in July 2021 alone, it’s hard for employers to keep up with the storm of talent leaving their companies.  The skillset needed to manage career transitions has changed along with the changing landscape of today’s business world; with millennials approaching an average of 6 different jobs in less than 10 years, it’s still harder for them to take a long-term view of career management.

For employees, the ability to navigate personal career transitions is pivotal in staying competitive. The problem is that traditional approaches to career management don’t work as well as they used to. High emotional and financial costs associated with job searching, combined with long periods of unemployment between jobs, make investing in a personal plan seem like a risky gamble.

The same factors that make an employee feel stuck in their job also apply to employers. The constant fear of losing valuable talent can be paralyzing for management teams. Career transitions are so costly due to the investment made in employees, especially at senior levels. Retaining your best performers is a billion-dollar industry, but what happens when the unsung heroes are overlooked?

The lack of trained professionals with the skills to manage these transitions is an ongoing problem. The career counselling industry has failed to keep up with the changing needs of businesses and their employees. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about being left behind because there’s a better way forward.

Integrated Career Counselling

A 2014 study showed that only 52.3% of Americans report being satisfied with their jobs. Stress at work leads to anxiety and depression, and it may be crucial to mental health to find a fulfilling career. Career counsellors can help in the lighting the way forward.

Career counselling is an engaging and practical approach that begins by creating a deep connection with clients, which enables counsellors to identify their behavioral profiles. Next, the counsellor works on developing customized strategies for effective management of both individual strengths and organizational interests. Counselling sessions end when the client feels more hopeful about his/her prospects and is prepared to take action.

The key difference between this strategy and traditional career counselling methods is that the former addresses personal transitions in the context of organizational goals. This approach allows for longer-term individual success while also benefiting employers at large.

In other words, what used to be considered career counselling has evolved into a more comprehensive process that considers, beyond your desire and skills, the whole person and the environmental aspects of career management. 

The first step is thorough behavioral profiling, which provides an in-depth view of your qualities and work preferences. This allows the counsellor to craft a personalized strategy that takes into account you as an individual, along with your organization’s needs and current environmental factors. Accurate information leads to accurate advice. The evaluation process goes beyond career survey questionnaires by including an in-depth discussion of your preferences, needs, and work style. Organizational profiling enables the counsellor to better understand the challenges facing your company, allowing them to identify with the counselee as a team member/future leader (depending on your personal goals).

A holistic approach is taken by exploring the factors that contribute most to satisfaction with both roles. Understanding this dynamic, along with the organization’s needs, allows counsellors to focus on strengths and develop an effective career strategy.

A counsellor’s empathy and ability to communicate effectively with people are key to establishing a trusting relationship. Counselling sessions end with both the client and counsellor feeling hopeful and confident about their future, armed with effective tools for success.

What is a Career Counsellor?

A career counsellor is someone who helps people to plan the next step in their careers. They are trained professionals who have experience in coaching individuals and groups on career planning and development. Career counsellors can offer a variety of services ranging from helping people to choose the right career path to working with individuals who are struggling in their current roles.

Having a career counsellor in your HR department will enable you to:

  1. Provide one-on-one support for employees at critical stages of their careers
  1. Ensure that employees are making the right career choices and giving them access to the right tools and guidance as they navigate their careers
  2. Identify training needs early on, enabling your business to focus on high-quality training programs for your staff and reducing turnover
  1. Provide objective feedback to employees about their performance
  1. Help your employees to identify their career goals and assist them in achieving those goals
  1. Foster open communication between managers and employees regarding career paths within the company
  1. Ensure that you are hiring staff who will be a good fit for your organization based on position requirements and corporate culture from the outset, giving you a better chance of reducing staff turnover
  1. Facilitate more accurate career planning by providing access to the right tools, resources, and advice for employees at any point in their careers
  1. Increase employee satisfaction through improved communication between managers, employees, and HR personnel. Career counsellors are an objective third party that will help to resolve any disputes that might otherwise escalate into something more serious


By partnering with a career counsellor, you will be able to provide employees with the support they need at critical times of their careers. Instead of losing your best employees, you can retain them for longer by having career counsellors on hand to help people plan their next step. Career counselling is also more effective than simply giving employees access to self-service tools or career advice that may or may not be relevant.